In spark detection systems, devices other than the specific detector are normally required. Usually these additional devices allow the detected sparks extinguishing, the acoustic signalling of alarms, the control of extinguishing systems and the eventual block of the silo material feeding system. The operations described above are carried on by the SCP04 Control Unit in very short times, with precision, in the right sequence and so definitely in the best way. The SCP04 Control Unit has been designed to be used together with our EV395 or SCL01 spark detectors. It can control up to four spark detectors. This unit automatizes all the operations and so allows to use the spark detectors in a simple and reliable way. Moreover the SCP04 Control Unit avoids the necessity to buy a lot of devices coming from different manifacturers and so the problem of coupling this eterogenous devices. The SCP04 installation is very simple and can be carried out in a short time.