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The existing standards state that the maximum area covered by an EDS linear beam smoke detector is 1600mq with a maximum width of 15m (7,5m on each side).
Yes, EDS linear beam smoke detectors both end-to-end and reflection models can be installed in a vertical position. It ‘important that for the end-to-end that both the transmitter and receiver are in a vertical position, whereas for the reflection model the position of the detector must be in accordance with that of the reflector.
Our beam detectors have a long life. They can operate without problems for decades. However we recommend a careful check of the device after ten years of operation and to replace the transmitting element if necessary.
For detectors to be installed at intermediate heights we recommend our end-to-end detectors (RK100B – RK200B) that are equipped with a double detection system: classic darkening detection and turbulence detection. The latter is very useful because it reveals the early transit of the clouds of smoke from floor to ceiling. The installation must be performed using the small spaces existing along the longitudinal axis of the racks. The rule to follow for a successful installation is the following : if the line that exists between the TX and RX lens is free from obstacles, the system works correctly even if the beam passes through tight spaces.
The linear beam smoke detectors must be installed, in relation to the ceiling level, within 10% of the height of the room. In case the elements, protruding from the ceiling, force the installation of the detectors an height lower than 15% of the room, it is necessary to adopt an additional detector (UNI 9795).
The choice must be made according to the following criteria:
– Optical distance between the opposing walls. For distances longer than 100m end-to-end models should be chosen. For distances shorter than 100m reflection detectors are also ok.
– Items installed on the ceiling such as pipes, light lines, etc . In these cases if we use the end-to-end detectors the rule to follow is: if the line that exists between the TX and RX lenses is free from obstacles, the system works correctly even if the ray passes close to parts protruding from the ceiling . When using reflection detectors it’s necessary that, relative to the axis of the optical beam which connects the detector with its reflector, the protruding element is at least 50 cm far.
Yes it’s possible. However there’s the need that the distance between the axis of the optical beam and the axis of light lines is at least 60 cm.
For the semiconductor detectors the maximum life of the sensors is 8 years, for the catalytic detectors the sensor’s life is a maximum of 5 years and for the electrochemical cell detectors life varies depending on the gas but it is included between 1 and 3 years.
Gas detectors should be installed at 50 cm from the ceiling for gases lighter than air (for ex. hydrogen, acetylene, ammonia, ether, methane) – 50 cm from the floor for gases heavier than ‘air (acetone, ethyl alcohol, gasoline, butane, LPG, propane).